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Authorizer is Away? Set a Substitute! (16.2024 EN)

Work-life balance. This has been an increasingly debated issue lately. With the growing need for efficiency and productivity, the boundaries between work and personal life can become quite blurred. It’s essential to disconnect from time to time and set aside time to recharge. A vacation you’ve been planning for a long time or, in less desirable situations, facing an unexpected sick leave – one thing in common is the need to find the colleague(s) who can take over your tasks while you’re away. If your company has approval processes, the absence of someone who approves documents and processes can cause delays. To ensure that the workflow is not interrupted, SAP Business One allows you to define substitute approvers for those who are absent:

The “Substitute approver for approval templates” window is available at: Administration > Approval procedures. Here you can assign substitute authorizers for the relevant authorizer and template during a defined date range. The “Hide rows if ‘To’ date is before system date” checkbox allows you to update the table and display only the rows that are still relevant. When the substitute authorizer performs an action on behalf of the original authorizer, the value in the “Substitute action performed” column is set to “Yes” and the row cannot be deleted. For tracking and transparency purposes, the change log for this window is available in the context menu.

Available in SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2105 and SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2105, version for SAP HANA.

Based on the article written by Ari Schapira.